There's good news and there's bad news. This afternoon the PM announced Cabinet's decision that Auckland will remain in alert level 3 for the moment with weekly reviews in place to assess our progress. The good news is that from 11:59pm on 5 October 2021 Auckland remains at Alert Level 3, but:
outdoor gatherings between 2 households can go ahead, with a maximum of 10 people attending
travel anywhere in the Auckland region for exercise, sports or recreation outdoors is allowed
early learning centres can reopen to all children, with a maximum of 10 children in each bubble.
This will bring some relief particularly around the isolation and stir-craziness that many are experiencing. A chance to see some people and enjoy the Spring weather beyond our local area. Good timing for the school hols.
You'll find the details here https://covid19.govt.nz/alert-levels-and-updates/regional-advice/auckland/ along with the next steps that were outlined.
The good news is we will soon be able to increase our connectivity in small outdoor settings which will allow us to offer more care for those on their own or otherwise doing it tough.
We'll be remaining online for services, cell groups and our generational ministries. This week we start a new series BARE ESSENTIALS - just in time for what our souls are yearning for.
If you've been hanging back from connecting, this might be the time to take a step towards connection - we are likely to be in a morphed L3 for some weeks.
There are a bunch of ways to stay connected in this time:
Cell Groups are meeting online - keep an eye open for new opportunities on our Facebook and Instagram - to get connected to a cell email Kristen
ONLINE Worship Services - We are online at 5pm Sundays via Facebook LIVE and ZOOM.
Check in with The MANCAVE on Tuesday from 7.30pm or Girls Night on Fridays from 7pm
Subscribe or Update your details on our database
Connect Card online https://cession.churchcenter.com/people/forms/116203
Update my details https://cession.churchcenter.com/people/forms/138246
We'll be sending out regular UPDATES via email
Connect with our online options
Website www.cession.org.nz
Instagram @cession.community
If you or someone you know is in need of practical assistance, your village stands ready to help in whatever way it can. If you have a need for help please contact DaNae Reynolds 0225802582 (our Pastoral Care Team Leader), or one of our pastors Brett 027 284 2893 or Melissa 0212670958. You can also email us support@cession.org.nz
Philippians 4:6–7 (NIV)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.