At our worship gathering on Sunday evening, Brett shared with us a fresh call he has received to serve as Senior Pastor to East City Wesleyan Church (ECW). This means his season as Lead Pastor to cession|community will be coming to an end. As Servant Leaders we have had the opportunity to process and pray with Brett and have been working with him on next steps. The Servant Leaders affirm Brett's call to serve at ECW in this next stage of his ministry life. While we acknowledge the size of change before us, we also have a sense of anticipation about what God has for cession|community in the new season.
Rev Melissa Powell has agreed to serve as interim Senior Minister when Brett's ministry concludes and while our search for a new pastor is underway. We will be in good and familiar hands while the transition is in process. As part of the transition Brett will be taking his overdue sabbatical (long service leave) which was put on hold due to COVID. Brett's last ministry Sunday will be Sunday 11 December which will be a special service of celebration for Brett, Kristen and the family. Following that service, Brett's sabbatical leave will commence.
The Wesleyan Methodist Church of Aotearoa-New Zealand will support us through the transition process - we were glad to welcome Rev Mike Yates (Assistant National Superintendent) last night who prayed for us as a church. We have a National Church process to guide us. In the coming week we will be forming a 'Search Committee' made up of the SL team plus a cession|community partner and a National Church representative. Servant Leaders met this week to discuss formation of the search committee and the approach we will take for finding and calling/appointing a new senior pastor. We will update the community as we progress through the pastoral search journey.
SLs are available to talk, pray, and answer questions as best we are able. You can email us at info@cession.org.nz if you would like to ask questions about the process or organise time to talk or pray with the SLs or pastoral team. You are also very welcome to contact Brett. You can view the announcement below.
Unfortunately our video feed went down part way through the announcement. Below is a summary of what was shared by our Servant leaders.
Greg Buckley:
The Servant Leaders acknowledge Brett and Kristen’s announcement, confirming that we were looped in as soon as possible and have been working with Brett to put together a forward plan
Servant Leaders affirm the Jones’s call to serve at ECW in this next season
Servant Leaders also some nervousness but also express a sense of excitement about what God has for Cession Community in the new season too
Jacob Powell:
WMCANZ will support us through the transition process
We have a National Church process to follow outlined in the 'Process for appointing a new Local Church Minister' document
In the coming weeks we will be forming a 'Search Committee' made up of the Servant Leader team plus 1-2 Cession Community member and a National Church representative
Servant Leaders have met to discuss formation of the search committee and approach we aim to take for finding and calling/appointing a new senior minister – we are awaiting confirmation from invitees
We will update the community at various points of the process but we wanted to communicate that the process has already started.
Melwyn Le Comte
Brett's official notice period will be four months
Roughly half of this will be his sabbatical, which has been on hold through COVID and the other half will be active ministry
That means his last Sunday will be Sunday 11 December and we will be celebrating and sending together on that Sunday
Servant Leaders have approached Melissa and she has agreed to fill the Cession Community leadership role in the interim, during the search process
The community will be in good and familiar hands while the transition is in process
Servant Leaders are available to talk, pray, and answer questions as best we are able
People can email info@cession.org.nz if they have questions about the process, or to organise time to talk or pray with the SLs or with the pastoral team
Rev. Mike Yates joined us for the announcement service on behalf of the WMCANZ leadership and wrapped the process in prayer
Greg, Jacob & Melwyn
(cession | community Servant Leaders)