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The season of Advent is a time of excitement and anticipation for the birth of Christ, when we celebrate and look toward the arrival of the Kingdom of God in all its fullness. This year’s Advent series will draw from the Gospel of Luke.

“The rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.” Luke 1:78-79

Mauria mai te haeata

E tāwhanga nei mātou

(Let the new dawn come - We lie in wait)

A season of waiting with hope.

We're meeting online @ 5pm (NB time change) on Facebook LIVE and ZOOM (request link).

Grab some candles (Warehouse & K-MART have some reasonably priced options) as part of our Advent Community Candle-lighting in the service. Go make an Advent Wreath if you're feeling creative! Or grab a Spotlight kit.

Week One: Night (Rev Brett Jones) Watch Listen

Week Two: Twilight (Rev Melissa Powell) Watch Listen

NB: We apologise for some issues with the sound quality this week. We've made some changes to how we gather and stream our services to create more opportunities for participation and connection in this season and we are still working out the kinks. Thanks to everyone for their patience as we navigate new systems and platforms and everyone on our team who have been doing the mahi to make it happen.

Week Three: Blue Hour (Rev Brett Jones) Watch Listen

Week Four: First Light (Rev Brett Jones) Watch Listen


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