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Full Stretch


Ever felt like you're living life at full stretch? In this series, we explored what it might look like for us to live out of a place of wellbeing. We were in Matthew's gospel drawing on the richness of Jesus' approach to living life and how we can be freed to love heart, mind, soul, body (strength) and socially (neighbour).

Join us every Sunday from 5pm on Facebook LIVE or ZOOM (request link)

Want to catch previous weeks in this series? You can find them below.

120921 Fully Expressed (Rev Brett Jones feat. Vania Dunn) Facebook LIVE

Take some time to engage with the Wellbeing Reflection Tool as you reflect on your "Why" and your "What" (one next step)

190921 Breaking Point (Rev Brett Jones feat. Greg Buckley) Facebook LIVE

260921 Feeling the Strain (Rev Brett Jones feat. Jerome Edwards) Facebook LIVE

031021 Under Tension (Rev Brett Jones feat. Juanita Masunu) Facebook LIVE


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