Lent Encounter - week 4
The Lent Encounter is an opportunity to feed a hunger for God instead of filling up on things that fail to satisfy. Just take a few...

Lent Encounter - week 3
The Lent Encounter is an opportunity to feed a hunger for God instead of filling up on things that fail to satisfy. Just take a few...

Lent Encounter - week 2
The Lent Encounter is an opportunity to feed a hunger for God instead of filling up on things that fail to satisfy. Just take a few...

Lent Encounter - week 1
The Lent Encounter is an opportunity to feed a hunger for God instead of filling up on things that fail to satisfy. Just take a few...

Prepare - Week 1
Advent Devotional Week 1 Advent proper does not start properly until this time next week. This is our week to “Prepare the Way” for...

Psalmistry - Daily Devotional
We're in a 4 week series on the Psalms exploring what it means to be "hard-wired for the Psalms". As part of this exploration we are...

Lent Experience - Week 6 "Trumped"
We concluded the Inside Straight series this week with a look at Ephesians 4 - we discovered how we trump ourselves - living stupid by...

Lent Experience - Week 5 Joker
Nigel shared with us on the foundational sin of pride and the freedom that humility brings. It is not that God is proud so is offended...

Lent Experience - Week 4 "Poker Face"
You can read a summary of Frank's message here. The daily devotional pattern that we are providing as part of the Lent Experience is an...

Celebrating the Sunday Feast in Lent
One part of our Lent experience that we have been emphasising this year is seeing Sunday as a celebration day where we have for example...