Tempo Podcast
Our recent Advent series challenged the way in which most of us live way too fast...it's not that intentional, goal-oriented activity is...
Halloween Carboot Party
The Halloween Carboot Party is a fun evening out for the family! We create a safe place to trick or treat by lining the depot carpark...
Soft Difference Podcast
Let's face it: Christians are weird! In this series, we ask the question whether it's possible to live like Jesus in the modern world...
Electing Jesus Podcast
The election is over but you can still explore the Kingdom that Jesus proclaimed - it's a third party alternative you may not have...
Through the Wringer - Podcast
In this series we engaged with James' letter to the Christians of his time who were living faith under pressure. But James does not let...
Sacred Rhythm - Reboot
As Spring arrives we're checking in on our Sacred Rhythms and doing some spring-cleaning. It's a chance to look at where you are with...
Hello Goodbye Podcast
If you missed this series you can binge listen here! We join the journey of sending that has played out across the church for 2,000...
Letter To cession|community 110617
Inspired by the letter from the Apostle John to Gaius in 3 John, our text for this series, Nigel Webb wrote a letter to us ahead of their...
The Community Life
Sunday's message is now available - week 4 in the series The Community Life where Brett explores the Sacred Rhythm of living life in...
The Worshipping Life
It's week 3 of our series - Brett shared on The Worshipping Life drawing on Isaiah's extreme worship encounter in Isaiah 6. Click the...