Advent Series
Only 6 shopping days till Christmas, and somedays it feels like this year couldn't finish soon enough! In The Weary World Rejoices we...

Face-to-Face Services @ The Depot
Face-to-face services have resumed at the Depot from 5pm on Sundays! While we're at Alert Level 2, we’re taking the opportunity to host...

Signs of the Times Podcast
We live in interesting times - how do we interpret the signs of the times? In this mini-series we lookedoutside and in as we reflect on...

Esther Series Podcast
We live in testing times. The world is reeling under the impact of a global pandemic. Here at home we are heading into an election...

COVID-19 Update
Kia ora koutou, The Prime Minister updated the Alert Level setting this week and confirmed current Alert Levels remain in place. Auckland...

Sunday Brunch?
Come and join us for Sunday brunch. Life Skills is a friendly, fun community group that empowers people to thrive on a low income. Our...