Get Ready to RUMBLE!
THE TAKE: Have you taken a hit in the current economic environment? Or just looking to save some extra bucks by finding the perfect free...

What if we could experience the reality of God in the everyday? Get to know his voice, his presence, his comfort. What if we could...

In this series, we undertook a scene examination of the Book of Acts and witnessed firsthand the lives of the first Christians. As we...

#BLESSED Podcast
We recently engaged in a 3 week series on the Beatitudes found in Matthew's gospel. In #BLESSED we explored what life lived with Jesus...
Conversion Practices Prohibition Submission
The Wesleyan Methodist Church made a submission to the Select Committee (Justice) on the Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill. The...

re:weaving | re:woven
Ever felt a little frayed at the edges? Like who you are is coming apart and unravelling relationships with family and friends? Re:Woven...

Easter Art - Now ONLINE
Missed out on visiting in person? Check out our Stations Gallery Page here A multimedia art and media exhibition that uniquely captures...

Easter Services
We're excited to be celebrating in-person this Easter! You're welcome to join us for 2 services GOOD FRIDAY - 5PM Set amidst the art of...

Preparing for Lent
"first clean the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may become clean." Matthew 23:26 The season of Lent is a time of preparation...

COVID-19 Alert Level 1
t's been a tense week but we are grateful that we can gather together both online and in person this Sunday.