Lent Experience - Week 6 "Trumped"
We concluded the Inside Straight series this week with a look at Ephesians 4 - we discovered how we trump ourselves - living stupid by...

Lent Experience - Week 5 Joker
Nigel shared with us on the foundational sin of pride and the freedom that humility brings. It is not that God is proud so is offended...

Lent Experience - Week 4 "Poker Face"
You can read a summary of Frank's message here. The daily devotional pattern that we are providing as part of the Lent Experience is an...

Celebrating the Sunday Feast in Lent
One part of our Lent experience that we have been emphasising this year is seeing Sunday as a celebration day where we have for example...

Lent Experience - Week 3 "Straight Flush"
On Sunday we engaged the second pair of the heavenly virtues: Peace that state of existence that is characterised by calm, tolerant,...

Lent Experience - Week 2 - "All In"
On Sunday we engaged the first of our 2 heavenly virtues: Sacrifice (traditionally known as charity) which emphasises the...

Lent Experience - Week 1
On Sunday we discovered that an Inside Straight is a poker hand which has 4 of the 5 cards missing – the optimistic poker player is...

Inside Straight - Week 1 - House of Cards
In week 1 of the Inside Straight Lent series we laid the foundation for the series from Colossians 3. We discovered that our lives are...

The Lent Experience
This Lent Experience we are Putting Down and Picking Up as we journey towards Easter. We'll be starting our Lent series "Inside...

Easter Egg Hunt 2017 - THANKS!
Thanks for being part of this amazing event! Over 400 of you joined us for a fun-filled time - we loved having you :)