Preparing For Lent
‘first clean the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may become clean’ Matthew 23:26 Preparing For Lent What is Lent? The season...

Finding Life - exile and suffering
We encourage you to purchase the e-book Finding Life: From Eden to Gethsemane - the Garden Restored. (kindle or epub). This week we are...

Finding Life - thorns in the garden
We encourage you to purchase the e-book Finding Life: From Eden to Gethsemane - the Garden Restored. (kindle or epub). This week we are...

Finding Life - sacrifice in the garden
We encourage you to purchase the e-book Finding Life: From Eden to Gethsemane - the Garden Restored. (kindle or epub). This week we are...

Finding Life - shame in the garden
We encourage you to purchase the e-book Finding Life: From Eden to Gethsemane - the Garden Restored. (kindle or epub). This week we are...

Finding Life - darkness in the garden
We encourage you to purchase the e-book Finding Life: From Eden to Gethsemane - the Garden Restored. (kindle or epub). This week we are...

Finding Life - creation in the garden
The subtitle of the book Finding Life is From Eden to Gethsemane - the Garden Restored. Rubietta says: Uncomfortably, we land somewhere...

Playgroup runs at the Depot Lloyd Elsmore Park from 9:30-11:30am on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday in term time. Tuesday 9:30-11:30am -...

Filter It
​​ - a purifying exercise Loneliness is one of the most universal human experiences, but our contemporary Western society has heightened...

Turn it off
– an exercise in solitude for the (dis)connected "To live a spiritual life we must first find the courage to enter into the desert of our...