What happens when we find ourselves face to face with Truth? Sometimes the discovery is exciting and joy filled, our whole self is...

In this 3 week series we're exploring what it means to be "the church". We'll be testing for the DNA of the church in the scriptures and...

LOST Series
We headed back into our gospel for 2022 as we discovered some searching parables from the Gospel of Luke. LOST is a series where we...

Everyday People
In this series we're asking a key question that has only been amplified by the past 2 years of lockdowns, disruptions and opportunities...

In the Mirror Series
We took a look In the Mirror that the epistle of James provides to us. James is a provocative, "hit you where you live" part of the...

Repeat Story
The story of Joseph (the one with the fancy coat) is an epic tale of reversal and redemption. From riches to rags and back again. In...

Galatians Series
What does it mean to be free? Free of the past, free of mistakes, free of the grind of proving yourself. The letter to the churches in...

Previous Series: UNFILTERED
In this series, we're taking the opportunity to remove the filters and reset our worshipping life together with some help from the Psalms....

In this series, we continue our journey into Luke’s gospel engaging with Jesus’ appearances then (and now) as we reflect on a life lived...

Tables in the Wilderness
In Psalm 78, the psalmist relates the people of God railing against God in the wilderness, saying: “Can God really spread a table in the...