Discerning Our Servant Leaders for a New Season
On Sunday 26 March we announced that we are re-entering a season of appointing Servant Leaders to; operate as our spiritual eldership,...

Update & Announcement - Sunday 26 March
As you will be aware, in late November 2022 a team was called together to lead the search for our next Lead Pastor at cession|community....

Important Update on our Sunday 29 Worship Gathering
This weekend our city was hit by some extreme weather leading to widespread flooding across the Auckland region. With more heavy rain on...

cession | community Summer Sessions
We'll be taking a short break over Christmas and New Year. Here's where you can find us over the Summer break. Summer Sessions On the 8th...

The Jones' Next Chapter
We'd like to extend a special invitation to all our cession friends & whānau, past and present, to join us on the 11th December to...

What happens when we find ourselves face to face with Truth? Sometimes the discovery is exciting and joy filled, our whole self is...

Servant Leader Update: Sunday's Announcement
At our worship gathering on Sunday evening, Brett shared with us a fresh call he has received to serve as Senior Pastor to East City...

In this 3 week series we're exploring what it means to be "the church". We'll be testing for the DNA of the church in the scriptures and...

LOST Series
We headed back into our gospel for 2022 as we discovered some searching parables from the Gospel of Luke. LOST is a series where we...

Everyday People
In this series we're asking a key question that has only been amplified by the past 2 years of lockdowns, disruptions and opportunities...